Nikitha who has been making waves in the Kannada film industry now signing some big films like Vamshi with Puneet Rajkumar is on a roll. She has been selected as a heroine for Upendra starrer Dubai Babu for which she has already participated in the shooting. Nikitha is playing the role of Radio Jockey in the film. The film is directed by Naganna and produced by Shylendra Babu who have two hit films like Kutumba and Gowramma with Upendra.Even before her first Kannada film Rajakumari has been released, Nikitha has been flooded with some exciting offers. It looks as if both her films Vamshi and Rajakumari will be released in the month of October. Nikitha hopes to get more exciting offers in Kannada."I am quite excited to act with two big heroes of Kannada screen like Puneet Rajkumar and Upendra. My first filmRajakumari is yet to be released despite completing its shooting many days ago.
After the sudden stop in the filming after he violated an agreement with the Kerala Forest Department, Mani is back to shooting in the Malayatoor forest for his multilingual film “Ravana” starring Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai, Vikram, Prithviraj and Priyamani.
Mani was asked to stop shooting on Friday evening because it was found that he had constructed temporary huts in prohibited areas in the forest. As per the rules, they are not supposed to erect any structures in such areas but it was found out that they had constructed three huts.
On tuesday a fresh sanction was given to continue shooting but with stiff conditions. The case registered by the forest department will continue. The crew has been asked to remit a fee of Rs.10,000 per day of shooting, whereas prior to the violation all what they were charged was a mere Rs.1,000 for the entire duration of the shooting. The number of vehicles that would be allowed inside the forest also has been drastically reduced.
Rajini, who is back in chennai after a two week shooting of Enthiran in Goa has also warned againt creation of party names and party symbols and that he will not hesitate to take legal action against those who do such things on their own.
Rajinikanth has clearly stated that he is committed to his fans and is concentrating on his shooting now. He has also made it clear that “Nobody can force me in to politics or nobody can force me out of politics.”